Today I wasn't able to work very long.  I had to take my kiddos to their grandparents before I could head to work, and I stopped at IKEA along the way.  I was able to get some things for home and my classroom, but that didn't leave me very much time to work in my room.  I still can't move my desks because they are going to come in and clean the carpet again from the dripping pipe, and I don't know when they are going to do that.  I hope that they do it some time soon!

I was able to organize my closet a little more today, and I set up another bulletin board, as well as moved some more of the big furniture around in my room.  I really like the way it looks, and can't wait to finish setting up the rest of my room!

My new storage area, and pink bulletin board
God Bless!! 

I wasn't able to get as much work done today as I had wanted to.  By the end of yesterday I had taken down my Hathaway Castaway board, and my display work board.  I also spent time moving my desk, and some filing cabinets.

Today I spent time rehanging the Hathaway Castaways board, as well as going through one of the filing cabinets, and trying to start cleaning out my closet.  I am trying to get super organized this year, and get as much done in the time that I can.

I turned my desk, and used a green table cloth from Walmart for the wall
My new blank wall!
I'm going to use glue dots to put the letters up.  Right now they are up with push pins.
My closet is much more organized now, even though you may not be able to tell.
God Bless!! 
 Today was the first day I went into my classroom to start working for the year!  I am very excited about all of the new things that I am going to be doing this year.  Here is what I had to start with this morning!
The front of my room
Don't mind the huge wet spot, that's from the monsoon on Sunday
Behavior white board
Back of room, library, kidney table, cubbies
My desk area, and sink
The kids work on display (plus the big dryer trying to dry my floor!)
Front door, my closet, mailboxes
My very messy and disorganized closeet!

God Bless!!

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