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Back to School Gifts

The beginning of the school year always brings so much emotion! Time to start thinking about all of the things. One of my favorite things to think about is what to give my kids for a back to school gift. A few years ago I started the year by giving them an eraser! They loved it ...


Hands on Math

Back to school time!! How has this happened already?! Anyone else feel like the summer just started? I head back to work in just over one week! I am so excited that I was able to team up with Oriental Trading to share these amazing resources for my classroom with you!  These ...


Baseball Room Transformation

A baseball transformation is a great way to keep students engaged in learning, and tie in all areas of content for a great day of learnin ...


Top 5 Ideas for Read Across America

Read Across America is a great day to celebrate READING in your classroom!  Here are FIVE fun and inexpensive ways to celebrate Read Across America Day in your classroom ...


Planning easy low prep dinners for a MONTH!

I LOVE the beginning of the month because it allows me time with a blank calendar, flair pens, and Pinterest!  I always sit down at the beginning of the month, or near the very end of the month to plan out what we are going to eat for the next month.  I almost find ...


New Year, New Goals

Every year I like to set new goals for myself for the year! I don't always stick to all of them, but setting something up, writing it down and making it public helps me to keep focused on what is important to me!  I have thought about these 5 things that I really want ...


Halloween Candy . . . what to do with it all!?!

Halloween is over, and now you have PILES of candy! Your kids have candy! You have candy left over at home! You have candy that you don't want to eat, so what are you going to do with all of it?! If you're anything like me you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible ...

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