Planning easy low prep dinners for a MONTH!

Meal planning at a month takes away the stress each week, and brings fun back to dinner time!

I LOVE the beginning of the month because it allows me time with a blank calendar, flair pens, and Pinterest!  I always sit down at the beginning of the month, or near the very end of the month to plan out what we are going to eat for the next month.  I almost find it kind of relaxing, and it allows me time to think about what we are going to eat and plan out our month.

Now, planning out our meals isn't always that hard, because we do have some favorites that I know that we will eat at least once that month.  Plus, having a three and five year old do dictate some of what we eat.  We have been getting a lot better about not making something different for them, and having them try what we are eating.  This has for sure opened my daughter's eyes to some new foods she didn't know she liked.  My son on the other hand, will take one bite and then ask for a hot dog.  No honey, we can't have hot dogs or spaghetti every night of the week.  Due to their likings, we do have a lot of pasta though!

After I've figured out what I'm going to have, then I use the ads to plan my shopping trips!

After I've figured out what I am going to eat, then I write down what I need for each week.  Yes, I write out all of my lists for the four weeks at once! This way I don't have to go back and do it each week.  Now I have a master list of what I'll need for the month, and I have it broken down by the DATE I'll need it.  From there I go to my ads and start buying what is on sale NOW.  I do have to go to the grocery store every week, because my kids go through milk like it is water, but I am spending far less money!

Labeling my cans helps me know which night I am going to use them, and then prevents me from using them for random things and then not having what I need for dinner.

When I get home from the store, I quickly label with the date the cans or boxes that I will be using, so that way I can pull them out and I don't have to keep looking through my recipes to know what I will need.  I rarely use any recipes where my meat has to be defrosted, so if I forget to look the night before I know that the meat will be thrown into a crock pot FROZEN and dinner will not be a drive thru!

I find so many recipes on Pinterest, and I would LOVE to hear about some of your favorites!!  The crock pot is my best friend!  As well as some fan favorites such as spaghetti, mac and cheese and breakfast for dinner!!

I also have a fun board full of some of my favorite Whole 30 recipes for those of you who are trying that this year too!!

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