Moving YOUR Bus

Reading Move Your Bus this summer was the best thing for my career! I LOVE Ron Clark and the inspiration that the book has brought to me.  I am going into my tenth year of my career and was feeling defeated this past year.  This book brought life back into me and I am so excited to start my new journey with a renewed spirit!

To keep your bus moving you need to encourage others! By doing this you are able to keep everyone moving and excited about their job!

One of the best ways to keep your bus moving is by encouraging others! I LOVE lifting up others and helping them to have a great day!!  At the end of the school year last year my partner teacher and I gave out these notes and treats to our staff members every day.  You can read all about it here.  By encouraging others you are giving them the uplifting start to their day, or surprise throughout their day.

To keep you bus moving you need to work hard! Nothing will move your bus as much as your hard work!
To keep your bus moving you need to work hard!!  You have to be able to work hard.  Nothing will replace your hard work.  Your bus will only move as fast as you work.  Without hard work you will not find your bus moving as fast as you would like it to.  To work hard you need to make sure that you are at work early, you make sure all of your work is done, stay late and do not be afraid to volunteer.  I know that sometimes we may not want to do the extras, and sometimes we may not be able to do the extras.  These are things you need to consider when you are wondering if you are a runner.  If you don't like taking on the extra tasks then it is possible that you are an amazing jogger, but you're just not quite running yet.

Saying hello is the easiest and a FREE way to encourage and move your bus!!

Saying hello is one of the easiest things to do at work!  A simple greeting is something easy to do when you see a coworker down the hall.  You can greet someone hello when you walk in the hall, when you walk in the door, when you walk in a room, or any where.  Saying hello is FREE.

To keep your bus moving you need to help to find solutions!  Don't add to the problem, but be willing to help find the answer.

Instead of adding to the problem you need to help find solutions.  If you are adding to the problem by complaining about it with you coworkers then you are not going to help your bus move.  You need to be willing to help find the solution if you want to keep your bus moving.  When your bus stops, or gets pulled over, instead of standing around wondering if someone is going to fix it you need to be willing to help fix it.

You can check out the first four posts about Move Your Bus

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