Day Three

Today I wasn't able to work very long.  I had to take my kiddos to their grandparents before I could head to work, and I stopped at IKEA along the way.  I was able to get some things for home and my classroom, but that didn't leave me very much time to work in my room.  I still can't move my desks because they are going to come in and clean the carpet again from the dripping pipe, and I don't know when they are going to do that.  I hope that they do it some time soon!

I was able to organize my closet a little more today, and I set up another bulletin board, as well as moved some more of the big furniture around in my room.  I really like the way it looks, and can't wait to finish setting up the rest of my room!

My new storage area, and pink bulletin board
God Bless!! 

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