TPT and IG

I love IG and I love my IG family!  I don't know what I would do without you ladies, and a few guys!! :)

Seriously, some days I don't know how I make it through.  Things at work are going okay, but I can't wait for next year.  We are in the middle of a big change at work, and things are going to be very different next year.

I love all of the amazing people that I have found on IG and that they create such amazing products that I could use in my classroom.  I was talking with Ashely over at Schroeder Shenganigans in 2nd!  I was telling her how amazing it would be if we all worked in one school!  

Could you imagine what that school would be like?!

Most of the teachers I follow on IG and the blogging world are inventors!  We spend hours pouring over TPT, Instagram and blogs trying to find the newest ideas, and the best ways to reach our students.  We are searching for a way to do things differently so we can reach our students!

Seriously, what would a school be like, if in every classroom the teachers were engaged, active, and searching for new ways to reach their students!?!

What do the rest of you do to help those who bring you down at work?  I have my bestie at school, and my bestie who used to work with me that I call and can talk with, but I feel like I am out numbered.

Make sure you take part of the amazing TPT sale going on right now!!  I was able to grab some amazing products and graphics to create new things for my classroom and for you!!

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